Don't Just Sit There
Four Lepers on the verge of death find their cause and bring relief to a nation because they decide…
Turning Members into Missionaries
Pastor Suli has trained teams to go into over 100 nations of the earth with the gospel from Fiji, one…
The Battle Cry for our Time
The earth's population is made up mostly of the young. How will we reach the unchurched before us, while…
The Intentional Church
Aim at nothing and you'll hit it everytime! Church leaders miss the target in the swell of activity.…
Missional Momentum
Routines and traditions often thwart evangelism in the new generation. According to Lee Powell, who…
Building a Global-Minded Church
If the church leader is to build the church as God intended, His reach will begin locally, but it must…
Building a Legacy that Lasts
As our ministry matures, we are able to see beyond what we accomplish in our lifetimes and desire to…
Wendell Smith: Multiplication
Wendell Smith was the founding pastor of The City Church, Kirland, WA. In this powerful presentation,…
Wendell Smith: How to Change the World
When Jesus came and dwelt among, His intent was to change the world. Our vision is nothing less. Though…
Bill Winston: Advancing the Kingdom
The gospel is the good news of the kingdom and the Church is commissioned to advance that kingdom. Jesus…
Marcus Lamb: Rekindling the Fire of Global Evangelism
The early church received power from on high to equip them to go into all the world. Starting with a…
Paul Cole: Build Men, Build Churches
When a man becomes strong for Christ, he brings his family to the Lord more than 90% of the time. Build…
Doug Stringer: Reaching for a Towel instead of Rising…
The Jesus model for leadership is servanthood. Doug Stringer, one of the world's leading experts on…
Phillip Jenkins- The Rise of Global Christianity
Dr. Phillip Jenkins is a leading authority of Global Christianity. You will learn more about the Global…
James Taylor IV- The 5--95 Global Vision
Dr. James Hudson Taylor IV is the great, great grandson of J. Hudson Taylor I. His global insights are…
Roland Vaughan-Building Your Ministry Base
Rev. Roland Vaughan is a leading expert on Building Your Ministry Base. Every pastor and leader should…
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